Eastern European Africa

Toto was one of my favourite bands, some scary number of decades ago. This is a fabulous cover of their most famous track, by a Slovenian jazz group…

Many thanks to Rob Feakes for the link.


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Still gives me the chills after all these years.

Did this group do more songs? I’ve seen this before, but all I’m getting from YouTube is more stuff by Toto, rather than more from this group :-/

You can see their ‘Bee Gees Medley’ on their website at


It’s good too, and I defy anyone of my vintage not to sing along at some point. But I’m particularly partial to Toto, not least because as a child I listened to the album over and over again on a car trip through Kenya, when I could look out of the window and see Kilimanjaro rising like an empress…

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