You Raise Me Up

YouTube, at its best, can be a wonderful way to discover real talent.  A little while ago, I came across some songs by the Cotton Pickin Kids – a very talented family from Alabama – and I shared one or two favourites, like this one, with friends and family.

Well, after that, the YouTube algorithm decided I must like groups of talented siblings, and offered me so many of them that I expected I would suddenly be presented with the Von Trapp family’s previously undiscovered channel…

Just as I was thinking that all of this might be a bit too much of a good thing, today I spotted a girl and her two brothers who call themselves ‘Life in 3D‘… for the simple reason that their names are Devon, Daylon and Daura.

Oh well, I thought, let’s give them a try.. and I’ve since been browsing through their songs, and been seriously impressed.  To inject a little positivity into your day, I offer, somewhat at random, the one I discovered first:

(Direct link)

The story they tell on their website is that they used to sing while doing the dishes and other household chores, and when they finished, their parents said, “Hey, don’t stop!”. So a couple of years ago, they bought a proper microphone, recorded themselves, and posted their first video to YouTube.

Man, what a start!

(Direct link)

Not only can they sing, but there are some pretty impressive production values here.  It was listening to them with the volume turned up that made my realise how good the speakers are on my MacBook Pro.  Treat yourself, and don’t just listen to this on a tinny little phone speaker.

If you like what you hear, you might enjoy their fabulous rendition of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’, or watch them having fun with U2’s ‘With or without you‘.  

But I’ve enjoyed lots of them, and I hope they improve your day in the same way they did mine!

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