The FreshWash Clip – Every home should have one!

This afternoon I went into our little utility room, made some measurements, and created this beautiful work of art on my iPad:


Rough sketch of clip

I then went upstairs and opened up my CAD program, where I was able to turn it into this:

Flat sketch of clip

And extrude it into three dimensions, so it looked like this:

whence I could 3D-print it, to get this:

Now, as most of you stand amazed, there may yet be some readers for whom its use isn’t immediately obvious, so I should explain.  

If, like us, you don’t have kids, and therefore don’t need your washing machine to be running 24×7, the seals and the inside of the drum stay fresher and nicer if you can prop the door open and let them dry between washes.

And so I created the FreshWash Clip™️.  

It works perfectly, and I get a deep, if childish, satisfaction from it.  The hole on the top makes a bit of a handle so it’s easier to clip on and off, and can also be used to hang it on a hook on the wall.

This particular model is sized precisely for our elderly and out-of-production model of John Lewis washing machine, so I doubt I’ll be producing it en masse, but no doubt Chinese entrepreneurs will seize the opportunity to prove a whole range of different sizes and colours, and on Etsy you’ll soon find artisanal variants lovingly crafted from bamboo.

And as FreshWash Clip mania takes hold, and no home can be considered complete without one, please remember that you saw it here first!

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I respect the enterprise but I’m not sure if it improves on my own personal method of just not closing the washing machine door? (This is of course where I find out that other models have weighted doors or something.)

    Yes, ours swings shut of its own accord, unless you open it the full 180 degrees. But in that case, it sticks out too far in a small room and gets in the way of the door and the sink.
    Necessity is the M of I, and so on!

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