Hap snapped this picture of Rose and me in Tonbridge Castle car park last weekend trying to find somewhere to stay for the night (using a combination of an OS map and a wifi connection to my phone).
I was successful in finding places, but not ones with any spare rooms at such short notice. At least, not before my phone’s battery ran out. It was tired after a long day of being my SatNav.
Incidentally, Quentin’s theory of technological linguistics says that a technology is truly pervasive when you no longer capitalise it. How would you write ‘satnav’?
> How would you write ’satnav’?
We americans do love our acronyms!
Ah, but a GPS doesn’t necessarily provide any navigation features. I have a GPS logger which doesn’t even have a display…
Dunno about writing SatNav but it looks like you could do with a gadget that helps with parking within the white lines, Quentin 😉
Ha! That’s just my laid-back weekend-away parking.
During the working week, I’m a paragon of parking virtue…