Interesting patents – the Munch Box

munch box

Here’s one I came across by accident. In 1979, Susan E Brownlow patented a small ‘cool box’ in the shape and size of a cigarette packet. There’s a removable section at the bottom which you can put in the freezer, and the box is insulated so that you can carry it in your pocket and the contents are kept cool.

The motivation? People giving up smoking need something to chew on which doesn’t include too many calories. Carrot sticks are apparently good. But how do you carry carrot sticks around with you all day and keep them fresh and crunchy?

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1 Comment

So do you smoke?

Smoking’s so strange – I don’t normally smoke, but once in awhile I’ll smoke one or two. I’m not really sure why. The pack ineveitably goes stale long before I’ve even made it through half, so I don’t think I’m addicted…? I think that’s why carrot sticks work – people just get bored and need something to do during the daily grind’s (counterproductive) 15-30 minute breaks.

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