Daily Archives:April 3rd, 2008

A child is born

The Blackstone Key

Well, as regular readers will know, Rose’s first novel, The Blackstone Key, launches today. She’s written academic books before, but this is her first work of fiction, and is the start of what will be at least a trilogy.

It’s the nearest we’re likely to come (or indeed, have any desire to come!) to announcing the birth of a first child, so we’re quite excited. Mother and baby (1.8lbs , ISBN 978-1847441331) doing well so far!

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in historical adventures, this should be on a bookstore shelf near you in the next day or so, or you can get it from Amazon or RoseMelikan.com. The US publisher has described it as “Jane Austen meets Agatha Christie”, which is good, because it might sound pretentious if I had said it. 🙂

Amazon are also taking orders for the sequel, which will be out in about 11 months’ time.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser