Brevity is the soul of wit

Not sure of the origin of this – a cousin sent it to me…

If there was a shred of doubt the world is totally insane, this will remove it. Only Divine intervention can restore us to sanity.

Pythagoras’ Theorem: …………………….24 words.
Lord’s Prayer: …………………………………… 66 words.
Archimedes’ Principle: ……………………………67 words.
Ten Commandments: ………………………………….179 words.
Gettysburg Address: …………………………………………286 words.
US Declaration of Independence : …………………………1,300 words.
US Constitution with all 27 Amendments: ………………….7,818 words.
EU Regulations on the sale of cabbages: ………………………26,911 words

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DONNA: No. See, I think this is what it’s designed to do. I think it’s designed to break a person’s spirit.

JOSH: And damn it, that’s my job.

DONNA: We’re getting beat by the system.

JOSH: We are the system.

DONNA: We suck.

The West Wing – 100,000 Airplanes #sorkinquoteforeveryoccasion

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