The Power of Competition

Rather sad to discover that walking to my local Post Office to send a parcel costs me three times as much as having a courier pick it up from my door!

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But you miss the fun of the uncertainty factor. We may possibly deliver to perhaps the intended address at some unforeseen time in the future. One can receive hearty thanks from total strangers in a country you’ve never heard of. What joy.

Hi Quentin, how did you manage to do this cost savings? I have tried but can’t work it out.
Best Wishes,

Hi Lyndsay –

I use as the quickest way to get comparisons and book couriers.

Once you get over 2kg, it certainly makes sense. The package that prompted this post was just under 2.5 kilos, and the Post Office wanted over £16 for a ‘Signed For’ delivery. The options on Parcel2Go started at £4.95… Some of those require you to drop it off, but a collection was still under £6.


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