Drug-inspired Lyrics

I know that many popular lyrics have been inspired by the use of drugs, so I thought I’d try my hand at it.  This was written recently while packing for a journey.  Or, perhaps, a trip.  My brother, a highly-qualified medic, was on hand to help. With the lyrics, at least.

John and Yoko are busy composing the melody, but in the meantime you can sing it to the tune of It’s a long way to Tipperary.

I need one more Atorvastatin
  I’ve got one more to go.
I need one more Atorvastatin
  It’s the neatest pill I know.
Goodbye to cholesterol
  Farewell, LDL!
I need just one more Atorvastatin
  And all will be well!

I expect it to become a hit amongst other middle-aged music afficionados.

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