Code Review

It’s easy for those of us who passed their UK driving test a long time ago to forget that the Highway Code is not a static document: it is updated from time to time and old drivers need to know about the changes as well as young ones.

For example, I didn’t know about all these changes in 2022, mostly to do with the interactions between different types of road users: drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders. Did you? They’re quite important.

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I was made very aware of these changes when I went through my lorry driving tests a few years ago. It gave me a whole new bunch of reasons to be grumpy when people don’t follow the code!

For reasons unknown, the revised Highway Code seems to be designed to somewhat clarify the rights of road users without actually being crystal clear about the rights of all road users.

It would be exponentially clearer if it said that the vehicle/user in your lane and in front of you always has right of way over you, as many drivers seem to be of a contrary opinion.

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