We have some Heath Robinson cartoons which we still very much enjoy, but for which no longer have the wall space, and so have given them away.
I thought, though, that other Status-Q readers might enjoy them too. (Click for larger versions.)
This bold new installation at Wimpole Hall asks difficult — some would say provocative — questions about the role of traditional art forms in a modern world.
Echoing the delayed gratification of the wrapped Christmas gift, the artist seems to imply that the projection of the sculptor’s immediate intent onto the viewer’s consciousness is, in itself, best understood as an ephemeral dualism.
The exhibition runs throughout the winter, and there is no charge for admission.
One of the websites I most enjoy browsing, perhaps because it’s really rather different from most of my other reading, is Colossal.
Dedicated to ‘Art, Design, and Visual Culture’, it’s somewhere you can always find striking images. Here are some of my recent favourites – click on them to go to the relevant articles and find out what they’re all about…
© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser
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