
Here’s a picture of my Nokia E61, for those who haven’t seen them in the flesh:

Nokia E61

Unusually for devices of this shape, it’s not a bad phone. The sound quality and signal strength are really pretty good.

I think I may have to reach for a J2ME programming book to see if I can fix some of the shortcomings of the built-in software…

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You can do a lot with Java MIDlets. Opera Mini and Google Maps for Mobiles are two of the best apps written in Java. (Mind you, having seen a sneak preview of the N95 with built-in GPS and mapping application, it makes Google Maps look pedestrian. It’s positively stunning. Coming in Q1 2007 to a shop near you, with 5 megapixel camera too. One of the perks of working for Symbian are the sneak previews)


Did you consider the HTC TyTN? If so, what tipped it for the E61? Was it Linux over Microsoft?


Hi Owen,

No, I didn’t really consider it, though I must confess to having a (probably irrational) fear of having MS software on my phone after some bad experiences back in the Windows CE days.

The E61’s Symbian, actually. Not quite Linux, but closer to it than the HTC 🙂

I can’t image why he didn’t go with the Q….

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