Just under a year ago, my name was on the front pages of both the London Times and the Washington Post within a week, when it was announced that the Trojan Room Coffepot was being closed down. If you’re anything like me, when you read newspaper articles, the names quoted in passing go in one eye and out of the other, but it’s sad to think that I’m unlikely to be involved in anything which gets such media coverage again.
Still, having my blog mentioned on Dave Winer’s Scripting News three times in quick succession must come a close second 🙂 The first thing you notice is the number of hits that your website gets. The next is that a little army of search engine robots follow closely behind.
John Hiler is quite right.
Dave has always been influential because of his writing, but that may be secondary compared to his power to influence weblogs. Many people would pay a lot of money for that. Will this power eventually corrupt? We’re watching you carefully, Dave… (and, by the way, what’s your favourite bottle of wine?)