On the slopes of Mount Doom

Mt Ngauruhoe

Today I did the Tongariro Crossing – one of New Zealand’s best-known walks. Very many thanks to Pete Burgers for recommending it! Thanks from my heart, at least; my legs may not be so grateful. It’s a 7-8 hour hike through, onto, and over some amazing volcanic scenery, and I’m now completely exhausted, so am heading for bed.

I’ll be posting some more photos over the next couple of days, but here’s a question for Tolkien fans which has always puzzled Rose and me: Since the great eagles are able to pick up Sam and Frodo from Mount Doom at the end of their mission, why couldn’t they just drop them off there in the first place?

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1 Comment

> Since the great eagles are able to pick up Sam and Frodo from Mount Doom at the
> end of their mission, why couldn’t they just drop them off there in the first place?

Well, perhaps because the Ring Wraiths well still flying around before Sauron was
destroyed. And Sauron’s eye would have spotted them flying to Mount Doom very
easily, I would have thought 🙂

Perhaps they were still worn out from carrying Gandalf down from Sauromon’s Tower 🙂

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