Patience is a virtue

Well, I’ve been very patient. Patient, first, while my insurance company took two months to pay up after my old Powerbook came to a tragic end, and then patient while I waited for Steve Jobs’ keynote address. But it was worth it, because he announced the Powerbook replacement, the MacBook Pro, and I have one on the way… Hee hee.

But my patience is not yet exhausted, and it’s just as well, because though they’re taking orders now, delivery is sometime in February. And the Apple retail stores will no doubt get them sooner than the local dealer with whom I placed my order. I’m hoping that good things come to those who wait…

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Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long 🙂 I’ve just been authorised to order a work laptop, and apparently a Mac is acceptable (yay!), but I think it will have to be a G4 powerbook for me. Partly because with an office from Monday, I can’t wait to get a computer too…

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