“The Device”

The DeviceThis is very cool and I wish I’d thought of it first. It will…

…keep track of several things that need metering. That includes anything from “CPU Usage” to eBay Auction Status” to our personal favorite, “The Current GDP of Uzbekistan.” From what we can tell, “The Device” connects to your Windows machine (Mac / Linux support is coming soon, apparently) and displays some piece of data generated from your computer or culled from the internet.

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I saw something similar in Sharper Image in the US a few years ago. USB connection, clear perspex modern design. You slotted in printed backplates for the 3 dials which changed what function they displayed. It included IM buddy status, stock prices, weather monitoring/prediction etc.

There is some sort of vogue for meters. Here is one for a computer:
This is the first time I have read your blog!
regards, Martin

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