Movie moments

There are some really beautiful woods just outside Wellington.


I was on a tour visiting some of the sites used in filming the Lord of the Rings movies.
Fans should picture Frodo yelling “Get off the road!”:

Get off the road!

or me saying “Ooof! I think I broke something!”:

I think I broke something

Mmm. One of the good things about being on the far side of the world is that you don’t have to endure your friends’ pitying looks.

Others won’t have a clue what I’m talking about and should just enjoy the views of Wellington scenery:


Or this fine bust of Arthur Wellesley looking out over the city that bears his name:


This is Weta Workshop, where much of the LOTR magic was created:

Weta workshop

And the boat used in King Kong:


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1 Comment

I think you’ll make me homesick before your trip is finished! You probably walked past my old flat on your way up to Mt Victoria. Enjoy, and keep the photos coming!


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