Location, location, location

I’ve been wondering how long it would be before somebody did this. I probably shouldn’t be surprised that Google got there first (at least, it’s the first example I’ve seen in a readily-usable form)…

Google Maps Mobile has a new feature called My Location which, if you have GPS in your phone, will pinpoint you on the map. That’s not the cool bit. The cool bit is that if, like me, you don’t have GPS built-in, it will use the nearby cell towers to estimate your position (typically to within a km or so).

Saves you having to spend a lot of time typing ‘Basingstoke’ when you could be appreciating its wonders…

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1 Comment

Crownhill Associates, where I used to work, have done a lot of work on mobile phone forensics, including tracking through triangulation from multiple GSM basestations. Their main market is niche (Law Enforcement), but often the equipment could lock down a phone to a specific room in a building. Very impressive, though not as mass-market as Google’s solution 🙂

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