Quote of the day

The origin of this is unknown but I came across it in the documentation for some project-management software:

One cannot bring a baby into the world in one month by getting nine women pregnant at the same time.

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Quentin, you missed the punch line:

> One cannot bring a baby into the world in one month by getting nine women pregnant at the same time.

…but it sure is fun trying….

Earliest use I know is Fred Brooks in “The Mythical Man-Month” (1975). Though you’ve rather twisted the original from its women-focussed view – “Nine women can’t make a baby in a month” – to an emphasis on the male contribution.

Ah, yes, I thought of Fred Brooks when I read it, but forgot that I had read it in the MMM beforehand!

It’s true that this rendering does emphasise the male role 🙂 It also fits more with the project-management context in which I found it. But most importantly, it makes Phil’s punchline possible.

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