Open Source support for DisplayLink chips

Very good news this afternoon from DisplayLink!

They have released a nice, simple, Open Source library for driving their USB Display devices. It’s available under the LGPL, which means you can link against it in a variety of ways.

The hope is that this will allow a large range of USB host devices – phones, embedded systems, netbooks, routers – to drive large displays, without the need for a conventional graphics chip.

We started DisplayLink with its roots firmly in the Open Source world, and it’s great to see the company contributing back to the community.

The library and documentation can be found at, and the press release is here.

Congrats to all involved!

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1 Comment

> The hope is that this will allow a large range of USB host devices – phones, embedded systems, netbooks, routers – to drive large displays, without the need for a conventional graphics chip.

It allows already:

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