Strange goings-on in the supermarket

Supermarkets are strange places. Sometimes they have bizarre ideas about how to make your life easier. And a couple of years ago I reported on how my local Waitrose had an area entirely free from long-life milk.

But just this last week I discovered a new product trend of which I was not previously aware:

Seasonal toilet rolls

I confess to having used the same kind of toilet roll all year round in the past. Perhaps certain types only grow at certain times of the year, though, and mine were being flown in from Portugal in the winter?

Or perhaps it’s a fashion statement, and visitors have been whispering behind my back that my loo rolls are so last-season…

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1 Comment

Shop and road signage make me cry. There’s a lot to be gained from a simple full stop or a bullet point, in terms of improving readability.

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