
Here’s a question for the socially-sensitive internet denizens of today:

Is it bad form to ask people to retweet your post?

I see plenty of tweets with ‘Please RT!’ on the end, and it seems… well… a bit off to me, but what’s more, it implies that the content doesn’t have sufficient merit of its own to inspire you to do this…

After all, we wouldn’t send out emails saying “Please tell all your eligible friends how good-looking I am!” or “Please vote for my brother’s political party!”. At least, not if we’re English.

So where should we draw the line? At what point is it impolite to tell people that they should really think the same as you do, and that they should tell their friends to do the same?

Or did I just spend too much of my youth reading Debrett?

Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments!

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1 Comment

Looks like even Debrett has become Twittered:

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