British Pathé

Have just discovered that British Pathé have a splendid archive of “90,000 Historic Clips”.

Here’s a pleasing little example. (I remember meeting George Cansdale a couple of times in my childhood – he was a minor hero of mine.)

If you like these, you can also find a good selection of historic videos on the Internet Archive.

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1 Comment

HI Quentin

I had a look at the video above and noticed a mistake in the commentary about the type of aeroplane in the newsreel (an Avro Lancastrian, not a York)l.

I emailed the generic contact address informing them of the error and only a few hours later received a polite reply acknowledging my correction from one of the archivists, who hoped that he would be able to make the correction in the near future.

The helpful answer also indicated that British Pathe intend to add a formal corrections mechanism to the website in the near future, which should increase its value as a historical resource.


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