
Apple users, especially those with iPhones or iPads, will know about the Photo Stream cloud service that makes your recent photos available on all your devices. You can take a photo on your phone, open up your laptop, and find it already available in iPhoto or Aperture.

But what if you don’t use iPhoto or Aperture? (I’ve recently switched to Lightroom and found myself missing this feature). Or you want to do something automatically with every photo you take, like emailing them to Granny?

Well, then you want Laurent Crivello’s Photostream2Folder utility, which polls your stream periodically and simply puts the recent photos in a folder on your disk. Very handy.

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Aperture can use iPhone folders, no?

And I’m sure ifttt has a recipe for this ๐Ÿ˜‰

Yes, Aperture and iPhoto can read the stream directly.

I played with IFTTT for a little bit when it first came out, and I liked the idea but haven’t found a use for it yet… Don’t think it would help here either. ๐Ÿ™‚

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