Connected keyrings and wireless wallets

A Telegraph piece by Rhodri Marsden about Bluetooth-enabled devices. Excerpt:

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but there seems to be a race to reinvent everyday objects, connect them to each other wirelessly, then make a promotional video with a ukulele, glockenspiel and handclap soundtrack. We then willingly hand over our money.

Nice. He goes on to discuss devices which talk to your phone, and alert you when you leave them behind.

I like this concept, but at present the likelihood that the phone app is still running on my phone, and that the Bluetooth connection hasn’t failed (due to whatever mysterious movement of the planets causes Bluetooth connections to fail), is exceedingly small, even when set against my notoriously unreliable memory.

No doubt this balance will shift, on both sides, as the years roll by…

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1 Comment

A better thing to do would be to have lots of EXTRA virtual objects that you have to remember (like tamagochi) to train your memory to be more reliable…..

the emotional distress of having a cyberpet die when you leave it at work just before going on vacation for 2 weeks ought to be good pavlovian fodder, so to speak

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