Using nginx as a load-balancing proxy with the Docker service-scaling facilities

There’s a geeky title for you! But it might help anyone Googling for those keywords…

Recent versions of Docker have many nice new facilities. Here’s a demo of how you can use the service-scaling to run multiple instances of your app back-end, and Nginx as a front-end proxy, while keeping track of them using the round-robin DNS facility built in to the Docker engine.

All demonstrated in a few lines of code on my laptop, using the new Docker for Mac.

Also available on YouTube.

With thanks to Jeppe Toustrup for some helpful hints. Have a look at his page for more detailed information. Also see the Docker channel on YouTube for lots of talks from the recent DockerCon.

Update, spring 2017: Do note that if you’re using Docker Swarm, you may want to adopt a more complex approach, perhaps based on Interlock.

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