A slightly unusual view of the Sacré-Coeur

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

We’re just back from a trip to France and Switzerland. You should see a picture from Paris above, and be able to drag the image around and zoom in and out. You might be able to see the Eiffel Tower if you look in the right direction! If things don’t work, try another browser.

More of my spherical images are on the Ricoh Theta site, including some from this recent trip. Here I am inside the Musée d’Orsay, for example. On that site, you can probably also view them full-screen.

Also, here’s a short bit of video, from the ski slopes of Saas-Fee, Switzerland, last week, where we also found a nice spot for lunch.

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That made me quite dizzy, Q. I’m not sure that I’m ready for spherical images. Beautiful though. Looks like you and Rose were having a wonderful time in Paris.

Good photos Q – I especially enjoyed skiing with you from my desk.

I have been trying Marzipano to share images – I like to be independent of the camera manufacturer’s infrastructure, and am finding it’s more awkard in 360 than with normal cameras to get images off the hardware, review them and share them. A few from a new restaurant in Cambridge: Vanderlyle

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