The Thames, they are a changing

Like many people, I’m familiar with the vast River Thames that flows under the big bridge at Dartford, and the grubbily majestic Thames that passes the Houses of Parliament.  I’ve even been fortunate enough to enjoy the rather spiffing Thames that flowed past us when we visited the Stewards’ Enclosure at Henley Regatta.

But until a couple of weekends ago, I hadn’t experienced the delightfully bucolic upper Thames, which winds past herds of cows, under weeping willows, and passes through locks manned by lock-keepers who still live in cottages on the waterside, surrounded by their beautiful gardens.

That, I think, is my favourite Thames. And I would have made a better video of it if I hadn’t been so taken up with enjoying and navigating it!

(Direct Link to video)

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Another soothing video. Lovely.

As a local, I can report that last summer and despite it being quite a way from the source you wouldn’t have been able to get to Castle Eaton and the Red Lion. The Thames was completely dry at that point.

Then over winter and after a lot of rain the river was probably more more than 800m wide, the roads disappeared (literally in the case of the road into Kempsford) and you won’t have been able to get under Castle Eaton bridge! The steep garden saved the Red Lion and all is now almost back to normal (except for that road!).

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