Category Archives: Photos

Evening light


St Mary’s Church, Stoke-by-Nayland, last weekend.

The Slow Food Movement


At Linton Zoo, yesterday morning.

Strike a pose, Sport

Before this morning, if you had shown me a picture of a kangaroo doing this, I’d have thought he was a stuffed one, probably taking part in an Australian beer commercial.


But it turned out this was just part of his morning stretching routine.






At Linton Zoo

Actually, I’m quite fierce!

I know I look small, but just get rid of this fence and I’ll show you…


At Linton Zoo this morning.

Making hay wains while the sun shines

Amongst other places, Tilly and I visited Flatford Mill today. A pleasant spot.


It’s famous for being the place where John Constable painted the Hay Wain:


He did so, I expect, because he knew that I would one day take a photo in just that location:


I thought about taking out my easel and oils, but decided his results might still have been better, because he would have had a couple of unfair advantages.

Firstly, he visited when the temperature was above freezing. Secondly, he did so during daylight hours. It’s an issue of exposure, you see — I had to use an 8-second one, and I also nearly died of it 🙂

Trumpington Meadows

Trumpington Meadows is a large new housing development on the southern edge of Cambridge. The houses are, well, modern houses. Perhaps a bit better than some. But the developers have done a nice job of gentle landscaping on the big field between the housing estate and Byron’s Pool. It’s become a favourite dog-walking area.


Last night, a combination of fog and sunset made it look particularly beautiful. One of those times when I kicked myself for not having a proper camera with me: these are iPhone shots.


And if you look carefully (or click for the larger version) you’ll see that this is actually a photo of the M11:


I’m not often grateful to housing developers, so I feel I should give them credit when it’s due!

Once more unto the beach


Hunstanton cliffs, on Monday

Holkham Beach, Norfolk


Plus ça change…

My brother sent me a nice picture of my niece and nephew yesterday, with the title, “All that really changes is the technology.”

Same old same old

On the zeroth day of Christmas, my true love baked for me…


Byron’s Pool, Christmas Eve


Shuttle ready for departure, Captain


Some late-night photographic fun. It seems amazing now that I thought some of my previous cars were good, despite a total absence of blue LEDs.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser