Category Archives: Photos

An English Spring

Near Wimpole Hall

Oh, to be in England, now that April’s (almost) here…

Just passin’ through


Centre of attention

When to use a telephoto lens

When to use a telephoto lens

River of Dreams

Quayside, Cambridge

Quayside, Cambridge



An increasingly lonely pursuit

An increasingly lonely pursuit

Top Cat


This beauty was surrounded by admiring photographers on Sunday morning, and seemed to enjoy the attention.



Columbia Road market

Raisers’ Edge


These guys in Brick Lane, East London, today made me realise how sheltered a life I’d led when it comes to footwear. Interestingly, the hairstyle adopted by the guy on the right is an almost perfect inverse of the one I’ve chosen for myself.

King and Queen

King and Queen

White World

White world by Quentin Stafford-Fraser (quentinsf)) on

Oh! It didn’t look like that last time!

Zig and Zag

Zig and Zag

The new MRC Molecular Biology building on the southern edge of Cambridge.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser