T-mobile GPRS via Motorola V3 on Mac

It took me some time to work out how to connect to my T-Mobile (UK) GPRS network using my Mac and my Motorola V3 RAZR phone, so I’ve posted this in case somebody out there is Googling for similar things!

  1. Go to Ross Barkman’s splendid page and download the ‘Scripts for Motorola GPRS phones’. Unstuff it and copy the scripts into /Library/Modem Scripts
  2. Quit Internet Connect and System Preferences if they’re running. They need to restart to pick up the new modem scripts.
  3. Look at the Readme that comes with the scripts. In particular, if you’ve used GPRS phone connections before you may be expecting to put *99# as the phone number. These scripts expect you to put the APN instead, which in my case is general.t-mobile.uk
  4. You may need to configure the PPP connection, for example to turn off PPP Echo packets. This sort of control is not available through Internet Connect, so go to the Network section of System Preferences, select the Bluetooth section and click Configure. Here you can set the PPP options
  5. You can also choose the Bluetooth Modem type. I used Motorola GPRS CID 1.
  6. The account name for T-mobile in the UK is ‘user’ and the password is ‘pass’. Similar information for other networks is on Ross’s page.
  7. Configurations made through System Prefs seem to update a default ‘Main Number’ configuration in Internet Connect when you click ‘Apply’. The interaction between these two is not entirely clear – I should stick to making changes in the System Prefs.

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Thanks. I just stumbled across this and from here on, it took me 5 Minutes to get my V3 going on my iBook.


Excellent. Found this via Google as well. Exactly what I needed.

Worked a charm. It feels like re-inventig the wheel every time I get a new laptop cell-phone combo.
Thanks for the help…


to have a motorola v3, is amaze to handle.. its like you no longer to worry about people say.

Found this on google like you said, got my V3 working thanks

not happening tried it all few times

keeps saying “Counld not open the communication deveice”

im trying the number *99# not sure how to get the acutal number (t-mobile in the U.K)

any pointers???

‘faz’ – I guess it may be disabled on your phone? Are you sure your account supports data?

not sure i do use my phone to surf the net from the device, but i wanna use it as a modem for my latop. i pay a premium to get the internet service for the handset.

Fantastic!!!! Thank you so much! My KRZR 1 works excellent!!!! You can’t imagine how much time I spent trying and wandering around the internet until I found your recipe. Thanks mate!

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