Apple to open Cambridge store

Oh dear. This isn’t going to do my bank balance any good at all…

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I’m not sure it’s going to much please CANCOM either with their shiny new Regent Street location. Having said that, if it makes their customer service any better, jolly good.

Mmm. Yes, I’ve had a few notably bad experiences with them in the past, but recently things have been much better. I popped in today to have a look at the new store, which is a delight compared to the old one, and was greeted only by cheery and helpful people…

I wandered into town today with the definite aim of wasting cash at the new Apple Store. Not only could I not find the store, I realised that only the new John lewis’s store (admittedly which do stock Macs, and have done for a while) has opened, and the actual Mall is still boards and no shops…

Oh well it saved me some cash!

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