Unlock 02 iPhone

Now that’s something I didn’t know… O2 customers in the UK can request to have their iPhone unlocked. At any time. Which means that affordable use while roaming is presumably now possible using a local SIM, though those tend not to give you data as well… still, I’d rather settle for phone capabilities and data via wifi than for no phone at all…

Good stuff. Have filled in the form and will see what happens… it can take a couple of weeks, apparently.

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Its pretty quick, I moved over to T mobile a few months ago – £10 a month unlimited internet and texts! Here’s my post on it http://geoffjones.com/2010/02/05/iphone-on-t-mobile-in-the-uk/

I think O2 had to start offering it when the iPhone moved on to other networks. I had my old 3g phone unlocked recently when I passed it on to a friend who has a contract with Orange, and it only took about four days to come through.

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