The Mistaken Wife

Yes, I know all the jokes about “anybody who would marry Quentin…”

This to let you know, gentle reader, that Rose’s book of that name, the third in the Mary Finch series, is officially published tomorrow. We’re having a launch party tonight…

The Mistaken Wife

However, rumour has it that it’s already available in certain fine bookshops – Waterstones in Cambridge being an example – and you can also find it at the usual online booksellers. Readers in North America will need to order from the UK, or wait until the US edition is published in the autumn…

Links and more information at

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1 Comment

Trust the launch party was a success and, even more importantly, the launch + progress thereafter.
Good news, anyway – looking forward to reading it (am currently halfway through ‘The Counterfeit Guest’, which is utterly compelling).

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