Progressing parallelograms

Progressing parallelograms

Pretty abstract for me, eh?

There’s an app called ‘Camera for iPad’ which allows your iPhone to be used as a remote camera for an iPad, which doesn’t have a camera of its own. Quite fun. It shows a ‘viewfinder’ on the iPad, so of course I pointed the camera at that.

So this is a view, taken on an iPhone, of a view on an iPad of what an iPhone is seeing when the iPhone camera is pointed at the iPad. The kitchen ceiling light is reflected in the iPad screen.

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1 Comment

Q, years ago I experimented with video feedback, with which you can obtain extremely rich moving patterns. The simple trick was to turn the video camera (iPhone, in this case) upside-down, and make sure the screen was filled with the image (rather than any borders showing). This is makes a mathematically very sophisticated environment, akin to an Iterated Function System – remember those? – chaos and fractals leap out of the screen. Well, at least they did with old analogue camera/TV combination. It also helped to skew the colour response a little (ah – weren’t analogue controls just the best??!). You can seed a pattern by waving your hand in front of the camera, or using a light, etc. It’d be interesting to know whether you can achieve the same effects easily with a modern digital set-up! I should try and digitise some of the old VHS tapes a friend and I made…

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