Panorama on the BBC

Panorama on the BBC - 15/11/11

A view from the top of BBC Television Centre yesterday, cobbled together from a couple of quick iPhone snaps.

The Television Centre building itself, one of the earliest and still one of the largest purpose-built TV production buildings in the world, is being sold off as part of funding cuts, and its residents gradually dispersed to other parts of London, Salford and elsewhere over the next 18 months, so there won’t be many more opportunities for pictures like this, at least not with the BBC logo visible!

Seldom has such an ugly building inspired such fond memories. This is the home of the Blue Peter garden, for example. Much of Fawlty Towers and Monty Python was filmed here. And under that canopy on the bottom left you can find a Doctor Who telephone box…

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1 Comment

My daughter loves chuggington and wants the trains for xmas, am disappointed they wont be out for then, would have thought they would have cashed in by having them ready.

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