The next step?

If I had the money (which I don’t), don’t you think I should get one of these as my next bit of electrically-powered transport?


More info, including videos, here. I think a boathouse on the shores of Lake Como, with solar panels on the roof, don’t you?

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1 Comment

This is clearly going to be the next Bond.
When he gets to the jetty (on Lake Como as you say) he will leap on to one of these:
whereupon he will be chased to a remote airstrip (by bad guys, probably in a VW diesel) and make a dramatic getaway in one of these:
But he will be shot down (also by bad guys, in a huge, black ugly helicopter bristling with spiky guns (something along the lines of the Reavers spaceship) and he will have to improvise, perhaps by borrowing one of these from a passing teenager: using which he will reach the Mediterranean coast where he will go off the end of a pier and be met by Q in one of these:
(By Q I mean his quartermaster of course, not the one who authors this blog)…

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