Hiking into the future

Today I realised there was yet another reason why I want a self-driving car.

It’s for when I’m walking.

The challenge with going for a good long walk in the country is often finding a nice circular route that will bring you back to where you parked the car.

But imagine you didn’t have to do that. Imagine that you could just walk from point A to point B and the car would be waiting for you when you arrived. You could then ride home in comfort, or, perhaps, enjoy lunch from the picnic hamper in the boot before setting off for the next reunion at point C. You could do this for days.

What’s even better is that you wouldn’t need to know your destination in advance! You could wander lonely as a cloud, floating o’er hill and dale, until you spied a welcoming tavern. While enjoying a pint of their finest ale, you would summon the car, and it would be parked outside by the time you wanted to leave. (And take you home, of course, if the ale had been particularly fine…)

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1 Comment

Yes! Although I’d want one of those Google self-driving bicycles for the same reason.

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