Trying a tripod

tripodI got a new tripod yesterday, and took it out to play today (just very briefly while I was ostensibly walking the dog).

One thing I’ve been enjoying recently is stitching together multiple images to create a panorama, and a tripod makes this work very much better. But how to display the very wide images that can result?

Well, here’s one way.

And here’s another image from a slightly different viewpoint.

I quite like this effect, but even in this form, I’m using images that are 1/5th of the original size in each dimension. Here’s the smaller one as a 60 Mpixel image, for example, albeit not at full quality.

Now, interestingly, I have a printer which can take rolls of photo paper, meaning that I could actually print out something like this at a decent size. Anybody got a spare corridor in which to hang it, though?

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