Pied Piper

Every time I read something by Nevil Shute, I realise that this is something I should do much, much more frequently. He is truly brilliant, yet I have, so far, read only a few of his books.

The latest one is Pied Piper, which I’ve just completed in the unabridged audiobook version read by the (also superb) David Rintoul. (I’ve enthused about audiobooks here before – if you haven’t tried them, they look, individually, rather expensive, but an Audible subscription makes them about the same price as a book.)

Anyway, Pied Piper comes highly recommended, in whichever form you consume it.

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1 Comment

I totally agree, Nevil Shute was a much underrated novelist. His books were frequently looked down on by the literary critics of the day and yet he was described by ‘The Observer’ as the ‘Best Seller of Best-Sellers’ .

I have just published a biography of the life and work of Nevil Shute which may be of interest.

Book Details:
Title: Shute – The engineer who became a prince of storytellers
Author: Richard Thorn
Publisher: Matador UK
Format: Paperback 313 pages, 23.2 x 15.6 x 2.8 cm
ISBN: 9781788032575

Available From:
Troubador Publishing (http://www.troubador.co.uk/book_info.asp?bookid=4537)
Amazon, Blackwell’s, Book Depository, Booktopia, Foyles, Waterstones and most other on-line retailers

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