Where have you bin all my life?

I have a new car. It’s rather clever. As I’m driving along it can recognise nearby vehicles, people, cyclists, traffic cones…

But I was somewhat amused yesterday to discover that it can also recognise wheelie-bins.

(Click for a larger image.)

I’m trying to imagine what I would have thought, back in the days of my old rusting Minis and Hillman Imps, if you’d told me that one day my car would have a built-in ability to recognise and draw pictures of the waste-disposal facilities it was passing…

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1 Comment

Yes, there’s a chap on YouTube who reviews Tesla’s FSD mode as it regularly improves, and it was shown there. I guess they have to train it on thousands of different object types. Some of the Chinese ML cars (I think it was an XPeng) also have impressive object recognition. My iPhone also seems to know what most objects are, so perhaps we’ll see an Apple Car in a few years time? Not that I can afford any of these any time soon. Should have bought those Tesla shares! (not buying now, though, they seem incredibly overpriced!)

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