Looking down from on high

Yesterday evening, I got a toy that many of my friends and family were surprised that a gadget enthusiast like me hadn’t been seduced by many years ago!

And today, I took it for a walk. I’m very pleased to discover that Tilly doesn’t seem at all fazed by the drone, only by the fact that I’m not paying enough attention to her.

It’s a tribute to how good the technology is, that a complete amateur like me can produce a pretty video on the first day. Having the sunshine and a light dusting of snow helped a lot too, though!

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Hi Jon –

It’s a DJI Mini 2. The new regulations out this year are more restrictive than in the past for most drones, but, surprisingly, have been freed up a bit for the smaller and cheaper ones under 250g.

The Mini 2 is carefully manufactured to weigh 249g!


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