Strength Gel

Samson had his long hair, Asterix and Obelix their magic potion, but for today’s man-about-town wishing to increase his muscular prowess, I discover that this small and convenient tube of ‘Strength Gel’ is readily available from most pharmacies!

It’s surprising, because Anbesol is a name I knew from my youth. A treatment for mouth ulcers and similar dental complaints, it was packaged as a very small vial of liquid. Well, the strength gel, it turns out, can also be used for this antiseptic and anaesthetic purpose, and, indeed, has such a powerful calming and numbing effect that I’m surprised Simon and Garfunkel didn’t write a song about it.

As to why it might be Adult strength gel, though, I can only leave to your imagination. The packaging is very uninformative about any use in more intimate situations, but I would suggest any experimental applications be done very, very cautiously.

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1 Comment

Adult eh?
I use a dry lubricant on my Brompton’s chain and when I went to Amazon to try to get some, it was classified as ‘adult’ – possibly because the name included the word ‘ride’.
Amazon’s AI obviously has some catching up to do….
Alexa, get me some lubricant… (!)

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