Category Archives: Humour

Geek Joke

Thanks to Jon Green for this:


Sea birds


Spotted online. Good old New Yorker.

But what ARE they doing up there?

2015-03-14 13.33.04

Spotted in Linton yesterday.


Lovely. From XKCD, of course.

And if you like that, you’ll also like this. Probably.

I discovered these while following links from here – thanks to Matthew Chalmers.

The Second Noel?

Today I was given reason to remember that old Noel Coward song – how did it go? Something like:

Mad Englishmen with dogs
Go out in the noonday sleet…

Yes, I think that was it…

Slow TV

A delightful TED talk by Thomas Hellum about the attractions of what might be considered the dullest TV on the planet, at least by those who haven’t seen The Shopping Channel.

Social Commentary

I hadn’t come across Kate Reddy before, but they interviewed Allison Pearson, her creator, on Radio 4 this morning, about her return to the Telegraph. The piece is, I think, quite splendid.

Now I know what I’ve been missing by not being a parent.

Tilly! Tilly! Put that camera down! Drop it! DROP IT!

Deep thought for the day

All the world’s a toolbox
And all the men and women merely pliers

To biblically go where no man has gone before

sparksIt occurs to me that the Book of Job has a persuasive argument for space travel.

Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.

This is surely meant to inspire us to explore the opportunities that zero-gravity has to offer.

Talking of which, why do the crew of the Starship Enterprise always stay on the floor? Even when under attack, when the last photon torpedo has been fired, the shields are out and even the life-support systems are failing, captain, somehow the gravitational field never ceases to function.

I think they have their priorities wrong. Life-support is more important than avoiding weightlessness, people! Especially if, as would seem to be the case, you are born unto trouble.



Lovely cartoon by Mobii, who has since done several variations on the theme. I ‘liked’ this on Facebook recently, but wanted to save it in a place where I could find it again…



From 9Gag

Venn I come back to bed…

My nephew James came up with this; I think it’s great:


Here’s my attempt to follow his lead, less successfully, I think!

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser