There once was a man from the sticks
Who liked to compose limericks.
But he failed at the sport,
For he wrote ’em too short.
From Wikipedia.
There once was a man from the sticks
Who liked to compose limericks.
But he failed at the sport,
For he wrote ’em too short.
From Wikipedia.
I just love Tom Stoppard. Tidying up old files in old folders I came across this from Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead:
R: I don’t believe in it anyway.
G: What?
R: England.
G: Just a conspiracy of cartographers, then?
Here’s another. They’re discussing Hamlet.
The Player: The old man thinks he’s in love with his daughter.
Rosencrantz: Good God. We’re out of our depths here.
The Player: No, no, no! He hasn’t got a daughter! The old man thinks he’s in love with his daughter.
Rosencrantz: The old man is?
The Player: Hamlet… in love… with the old man’s daughter… the old man… thinks.
Rosencrantz: Ah.
More good stuff here.
One of the records that was regularly played in my childhood home was a collection of sketches by the wonderful Joyce Grenfell. This was a favourite, and though I only ever knew it as audio, the place to find such things nowadays is of course YouTube.
Internet giant Google has teamed up with the Daily Mail to develop a unique version of the online search engine which will confirm the enquirer’s prejudices.
Another nice spoof from Newsbiscuit.
Elton John has the reputation of writing his songs in very short periods of time. Richard E Grant puts him to the test. Quite fun.
The original YouTube video has now been removed, but you can still see the clip here.
This is probably at least partly staged, but I don’t think it’s a complete set-up.
© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser
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