Tag Archives: dog

The Englishman Abroad

Complete with fashionable headgear, knobbly knees, trusty hound, and Brompton (on kind loan from John)

Even mad dogs and Englishmen have been choosing early evening for cycling excursions here: it’s been very hot over the last few days. Light showers have made for a more autumnal climate today, though, which makes a nice change.

You’ll notice that, despite this being prime Tour-de-France country only a few miles from the Col de Tourmalet, my parents and I have somehow managed to cycle in the one flat valley in the area.

That’s just for our warm-up training, of course…

How I stop Quentin from working….

…when we really should be going for a walk…

Breakfast Time

Breakfast Time

On the Internet, nobody knows…

On the internet, nobody knows.

Lady of the Rings

May I?

I’m not quite sure if I’m allowed to have this. But we could have a fun chasing game if you wanted to take it away from me….

Canine calculations

My friend Jon Crowcroft told me recently that “On the Internet, everyone now knows you have a dog”. I took the point, and will try to moderate my doggy posts: Tilly has been with us for a year now, so I should be over that annoying new-parent enthusiasm.

It did strike me the other day, though, as we strolled across icy fields, that I walk her about two miles every morning and Rose does the same in the afternoon. Tilly, when she’s off the lead, runs at least a further three miles that we don’t.

This means that over 12 months Rose and I have each walked further than the length of the British Isles.

Tilly, on the other hand, has run a distance roughly equivalent to the width of the United States, which I feel is not a bad achievement before you reach 15 months old!

OK. Proud father signing off now…

Are you sure?

…that I’m really not allowed on there?

I, Tilly

Hello, everyone, I’m Tilly!


I came to live with Quentin and Rose just a week ago, and they haven’t had any time for blog posts since!


I was allowed to go out in the big wide world for the first time yesterday, and it’s a very strange place – all white and cold! But I can bite lots of it, so that’s good.

It looks as if there’s a very big world out there to explore!


But exploring too much of it is very exhausting so I need to have a snooze afterwards.


© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser