Tag Archives: sea

Seal of Approval

Don’t assume, just because you’re behind a telephoto lens, that we can’t see you!

I’ve often seen seals swimming just offshore as we walk along Norfolk beaches. But a couple of weeks ago I spotted this group relaxing on the beach; they seemed to be having a good time.

Safe harbour

Newhaven this morning, shortly after I disembarked from the Dieppe ferry.


Fancy some fast, green, silent, smooth, aquatic transport? Me too. So the approach taken by SeaBubbles is really attractive.

They’re making electric hydrofoils which, once you get above about 6 knots, rise up and lose 60% of their drag.

They’re about the same size as a car, and the battery has the same capacity as my BMW i3. This would give you enough range, on their figures, to get you across the English Channel.

Here’s some nice footage of their tests on the Seine; they’re keen to promote them as water taxis. As they point out, many waterways have speed restrictions that wouldn’t allow you to get the most out of your SeaBubble…

They haven’t announced pricing yet, but I fear they’d be well beyond my reach, especially since I’d also need to buy a cottage by the side of a fjord to appreciate it fully.

But I hope I get a chance to ride in one!

Holding back the storm

Holding back the storm

The Alternative

From the UK
To Santander
Without involving
Ryan Air

I must go down to the sea again

Tilly explored the limestone shoreline at Birling Gap one evening recently. I used to play here as a child.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser