Life’s necessities

Spotted in an airport a couple of days ago.

Life's necessities

I’ve been having a fabulous few days of vacation but have been moving from hostel to airport to boat to hotel sufficiently regularly that I haven’t had a long-term solid internet connection for quite a while. I have lots of photos and movies to upload but all my connectivity has been on a pay-by-the-minute basis recently, so you’re spared most of them for the moment!

This comes to you from the Inbox Cafe in Cairns, Queensland, which has a pretty good internet connection, great food and coffee, and very friendly staff. Recommended. Even here, though, it’s tricky to get a video upload to YouTube to complete. I’ve heard good things about Blip.TV, though, and might give them a try soon, because they offer FTP upload as an option, which is likely to be more reliable, I think.

In the meantime, here’s where I spent the night before last: on a dive boat on the Great Barrier Reef.

Kangaroo Explorer sunset

I rented a little underwater camera so will post something more sub-aquatic soon. But now I have to catch a plane to Sydney…

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