My first time

Yesterday I rode on a Segway for the first time. I had high expectations and it lived up to all of them. A beautiful bit of engineering.

The main reason I don’t have one (despite it being an expensive toy at present) is that I would feel guilty about not exercising. It’s faster than walking and more convenient than but not as fast as cycling, but since it wouldn’t give me any exercise it’s not a compelling replacement for either of those. I couldn’t really justify it simply on the basis of being more fun.

For me to buy one I’d need to find a convincing reason to use it instead of a car. I don’t have that yet. But I’ll keep looking!

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Here’s a convincing reason to use one: It’s the best way to effortlessly tour a new city! Like Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for example – check out our tourist business there at my website (

I use the powerful tool that is my Segway instead of a car, in a city very car dependent, for all my short to mid-range commutes, which represents most of my transportation needs, including to and from work five days per week. I save hundreds on gas costs alone. I park by my desk. My commute is the same duration every time, unlike the hassles of being stuck unpredictably in traffic, which I regularly breeze past during rush hour. Factoring in lower overall car maintenance costs makes any zero-emissions vehicle purchase tempting, but add in zero cost for parking and the benefit of fresh air, and the Segway hits the mark every time. Not to mention one can buy two or three of them new for the same price as the lowest-priced new cars. Or just buy one and use the extra money saved to take you on vacation. As for excercise: once I get downtown, I park and walk like everyone else. I’ve walked further and more often since buying a Segway than I ever did with regular car use. Just because I own one, doesn’t mean my feet are glued to it 24/7…..unlike some butts in carseats I can think of, mine formerly included.

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