Shelburne Farms, Vermont

With apologies to Robert Frost…

The Barn House, Shelburne Farms

Two roads diverged at a heritage site
And, sorry I could not travel both,
And get to New Hampshire before the night
I studied the map as hard as I might.
To walk, or ride, through the undergrowth?
Then, took the Farm Trail, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim
For I was podgy and in need of air
(And ’twas nearly an hour til the tour bus came)
The Farm Trail, Shelburne Farms
And both that morning equally lay
Through fields where Vanderbilts built their shack
I saved the Inn for another stay
(Though, knowing how much I’d have to pay
I wondered if I’d ever come back)
The Inn at Shelburne Farms
I shall be posting this through WiFi
Somewhere highways and highways hence
Two routes diverged at Shelburne Farms, and I,
I took the one less travelled by
And loved all elements.
The Farm Trail, Shelburne Farms

The Farm Trail, Shelburne Farms

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1 Comment

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

I live in Shelurne, Vermont. I love running its trails and woods.

Even though I actually live here, I still almost always marvel at some apsect of its beauty.

The winters could, however, definitely be shorter.

Don’t apologize to Frost. I think he would have liked your thoughts.

My son went to pre-school and and attended drum classes at Shelburne Farms when he was little.

I will run there this weekend. I will definitely see deer and wild turkeys.

Cool post.

Leslie Holman, Burlington VT.

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